Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Life's Challenges

Things often happen to us in life that make us wonder "Why me?" Why do I have to walk this road? I asked myself that question yesterday when my doctor called to share my MRI results...I have Multiple Sclerosis. I just started crying and wondered what my life would now look like. I have not yet said poor me, because this news is devastating, poor is one thing I'm not. I know that after a day filled with an outpouring of love from my family and friends. My mom and dad came over to check on me and let me know they are with me everyday for help and unconditional love. My grandparents, sister, in-laws, countless friends were calling and letting me know that they are there for me. A very comforting call from the family pastor at church, Mary was encouraging and a phone call with my sister-in-law, Molly right before I went to bed. She reminded me that I am strong and will fight this. She said if anyone can handle this I can. It will become a part of my life, I will embrace it and it will make me stronger. If she and all the others believe I can handle it then I will to. I know I have a lot of work ahead of me. Learning about what I have and what that means for me and how to incorporate into my life but not run it. I am also so blessed with an amazing, loving and strong husband. Max has been so supportive during this process. Constantly reassuring and comforting me. We visited him yesterday at lunch and he gave me the biggest hug, I didn't want him to let go. He just kept saying it will be o.k. and "we'll" get through it. When he came home last evening he had the most beautiful bouquet of flowers for me. My favorite too, Gerber Daisies with pink roses. I love him so much and he always knows how to put a smile on my face. Max and I will meet with my neurologist on the 18th to begin treatment. But for now, one moment at a time and at this moment I am getting ready to take the kids with my dad for a day trip to Apple Hill where memories will be made because after all that's life and I am blessed with a wonderful one.


mccaffreyfamily said...

Sorry to hear this Kristin. I was waiting to hear the results and found this. You will move onward and do well. We are all behind you. If we can be of any help to you, just call so I can help. You are a beautiful person inside out and will over come this. Our thoughts are with you.

Kimberly said...

I have been wanting to comment for days. But without any means to do it I have been mentally going nuts. So finally....I can do it.

And I have not much to say.....

Just that I love you and we are going to whip this things butt.It messed with the wrong sistas. On the days you are not feeling like fighting I will fight for you. I love you sis'! You are my hero.