Monday, November 8, 2010

More news...

So, I went to my Neurologist this morning and got the results from the EEG and MRI. The EEG just confirmed that I have Optic Neuritis and MRI showed another lesion on my spine, although very subtle and hard to see, still there. MS is very mysterious in that doctors don't know how you get it, they only know the symptoms and treatment. So on November 22nd at 1:30 pm I will go and have a spinal tap. I am really nervous. They prescribed Lorazepam to calm my nerves and they will numb the injection area, and lets pray they find the "sweet spot" on the first try. It is a blind injection and they have to find just the right spot to remove the fluid. If they don't they have to keep trying and I only want to be stuck once. The results will take about two weeks. In the meanwhile, I will begin treatment. Since it appears I have what they call "Probable MS" we are starting with a self administered weekly injection. A nurse will come to the house and show me what to do. Side effects very from person to person. Flu like symptoms that last 24 hours after the injection and soreness at injection site are most common. Headache, depression and other issues can occur and that I pray I won't experience. Now the tricky question, what day of the week do I want to sacrifice? Most likely Fridays will be the magic day, end of the week and hopefully perky by the weekend.


Meredith said...

Kristen... I just love you! You're so courageous and strong! You'll get through this with flying colors, because that's just who you are! In the meantime, know that you're in my thoughts and prayers and that I think you're simply AMAZING! LOVE YOU TONS!


Kimberly said...

Love you Sis'! I know that all this is far to real and scary but I am here for you when/ if you need me. We will pray they hit the sweet spot on the first try and that all is clear with the test. Love you!


Kathryn said...

This is your mama talking!!! I hope that I don't hear about you getting on ladders and painting barn doors again. You need to say "NO".... you are the only one that can do that part. Making your health is a top priority ~ so that you can 'continue' to be a good mom and wife. I am so proud of you.... but my most heartfelt prayer is that you manage your energy for your sweet little family. Because that is all that matters.....period!!
I just love you & am praying for the best.
Always, MOM

Our Dream x3 said...

Thanks to each of you. Having all this love on my side helps tremendously. Saying "No" is not my strong point, but it helped my hubby that day. I do need to learn my limits, something I've never worried about before. I can't push so hard. I love you all!