Monday, April 4, 2011

Cow Mt. Family Enduro

We spent the weekend at Cow Mt. with Scott and Laurie, Dave, Christine and their kids, Holly and her kids. Several other club members came up on race day. All the guys and the older boys participated in the Family Enduro. Max can't wait until Colin will be ready, then Luke. Maybe another year or so. You couldn't of asked for a better weekend. The temps were perfect. It was sunny and warm during the day and cooled off quit a bit at night.

There was a beautiful river we played in all weekend.

Dave and Max getting their gear on. Ava finds all the engines starting at the same time to be a bit much. Max, Kyle and Dave heading over to the start line. Max is on the far left corner (67A).
...and their off!

They returned nice and dirty, some more than others. Kyle got roosted by Max when he was stuck in the mud. He didn't know Kyle was that close, oops. Poor kid had mud everywhere.

Max came in 5th place in his class.

While the guys were out us ladies took all the kids and dogs for an awesome walk along the river.

They explored a little path and found a small waterfall. They were so excited with their discovery.

Colin with friends Haley and Paige.

Shamrock was in heaven this weekend. No leash and ample space to run and swim. He loved the water.

Luke made sure he got as dirty as possible this weekend.

He payed no mind to how cold the water was.

Colin, Luke and Ava

This was Shamrock's favorite spot. The water was shallow and not as cold. He would just lie there, biting at the water. He was so fun to watch.
Saturday night after the race the older kids were in one trailer playing games, the little kids were in our trailer watching Tangled (I bought as a surprise), the guys sat around the camp fire and us girls had movie night in Christine's trailer. We put on pj's and grabbed our pillows and watched Couples Retreat. It was a fun night for everyone!

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Don't get me wrong....all the pics are great. But I find myself ticled by those pics of Shamrock. I love the fact that he loves the water. Briungs me back to those sweet moments with Molly on our floaties in the pool. Remember how she always had to be on top of us if we were in the pool? REmember her blowing bubbles in the waterfall? Good times!!!

Glad you were able to "escape" life and be able to "enjoy" it. Looks like you all made some good memories and had a blast.