Friday, November 25, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

 We had a really enjoyable Thanksgiving yesterday.  A relaxing morning getting ready and out the door.  We started off at Kelton and Veronica's house.  We were able to relax, watch football, chat, finish cooking and enjoy a few cocktails before the main event.  Dinner was delicious!
The kids sat at the obligatory children's table.  I brought some Apple Pear Sparkling Cider for the kids to enjoy a holiday toast.  I always remember having Martinelli's as a kid, it made the kids table feel a little more grown up.  They had a blast hanging out together.  After dinner we enjoyed several yummy home made pies for dessert and played a White Elephant Ornament Exchange.  The kids can't wait to hang them on our tree.   Thanks Veronica and Kelton, you hosted a lovely holiday dinner.

During the second quarter of the 49'er game we left and headed up the road to my dad and Lupe's home to continue our holiday celebration.  They had the game on the T.V., lots of yummy things to eat and the kids enjoyed each others company in the Game Room.  Dad set up the garage with t.v. and video games to enjoy.  The boys (young and old) had a great time.  I enjoyed visiting and scouring the Black Friday ads with my Aunt while Max switched between playing video games with the kids and watching football. 
Christmas here we come!  I look forward to decorating with Max and the kids this weekend.

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