Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Our 8th Anniversary and the 2011 WFO!

Our family was quit busy this last week. We were planning and preparing for our annual weekend trip to Stonyford, for the NVC's WFO Enduro Event.  So there was a lot to get ready.  Max and I also celebrated our 8th Wedding Anniversary on Tuesday.  He picked the trailer up after work and I had a hair appointment.  My Aunt was so sweet to come over and watch the kids for us.  I got home first and she made us dinner and she and the kids baked Max and I an apple pie to celebrate.  She is always so thoughtful.  Max came in a bit after I did and brought me the most beautiful floral arrangement.  It had daisies (the first flower he ever gave me) and a few Gerber daisies (my favorite and like the ones in our wedding).  The colors were so beautiful and autumn like.  All topped off with the most amazing card.  While reading it I just got so emotional.  Like any marriage you have good times and bad times, but I am reminded by his words why I married him and why I love him so much.
The next day was Wednesday and it was all hands on deck to leave early Thursday morning, but we had a little emergency with Luke.  He was running a fever Wednesday morning and wasn't himself.  When I came back to his bedroom with Tylenol he got very tearful.  I had him sit up to notice a huge (what looked like a spider bite) bump on his jaw line.  I proceeded to let him stay in his jammies while I continued getting Colin ready for school, juggle child care kids and change his sheets.  As the day progressed the bump began getting larger, redder, and was hot to the touch.  I kept him home from school.  By the late afternoon it wasn't any better and he began limping and complaining his leg hurt. I was shocked to find a softball size lump on his thigh.  I couldn't think for the life of me what was wrong.  My child care kids left for the day and then Max got home.  We agreed he needed to go to the emergency room.  He and I returned later that night around 11:00 after he received and injection in his tooshy and an oral antibiotic.  He was diagnosed with a deep tissue bacterial infection called Cellulitis.  Very scary stuff.  If it were to get any worse he would have been hospitalized.  Gratefully, we didn't wait to take him.  The next day we postponed going camping until we had a follow-up appointment to ensure the medication was working.  Thank goodness it did and he would begin the road to recovery.  After the appointment we came home, he relaxed and Max and I finished up the last minute packing. 
Once we arrived at Foust Springs, we could relax.  Luke new he was to have a relaxing weekend and he did just that.  Colin was the first to get geared up and tried out a kiddie track right behind or campground. 
He is now riding my Yamaha 90! I can't believe how big he is getting.  Then Max was off with the guys to begin the process of marking the trails, hanging signs and flags. 
While he was off enjoying himself, Ava and I cruised around on our friend Mel's quad since Colin was using my bike.  She loved it and we enjoyed our special time together. 
Thumbs up to getting dirty.  The guys all returned right before the sun started to go down.  Just in time to fire up the BBQ and start a fire. After the kids all went to bed I brought a delicious Chocolate Lovers' Cheesecake to celebrate our Anniversary.  A few of our friends were there to enjoy with us.
The guys all headed out again Friday morning to do more of the same.  They had three major loops to sign for the event on Sunday. Our kids plus our a few friends; Sophia, Dominic and Chevy joined them for popcorn and movie during a chilly morning.
All the mom's sat around a peeled two bags of carmel that Auntie Mel brought.  The kids were super excited to make their own Carmel Apples.  It was a huge hit! The guys did it again! They managed to stay out most of the day, cruising in right before dinner.  Tonight we had a potluck Fiesta Night.  Delicious pork fajitas with all the fixings.  Another awesome night by the fire.
By Saturday, Luke was feeling like himself again.  The swelling was almost gone on is jaw and his leg wasn't as tight with little cramping.  He felt like a short bike ride to show off his new skills.  It was so great to see such a big smile again.  HE'S BACK... 
and ready to ride!  It was his turn to ride on the quad with his mama. 
A nice afternoon hiking led us to what was left of the creek (soon to be filled with pending rain).  It still had just enough water for Shamrock to take a bath and puddle hop with our rain boots on. 
Colin and his buddy, Dustin spent the entire weekend riding.  I have never seen him ride so much, I only saw him when he was hungry. They had a blast.  If they weren't at our trailer they were at Mark and Marie's.  They walked the Learner Loop several times and found old broken bike parts.  After turning them into the Park Rangers they each got a bag fool of goodies.  A map of the forest, trails and bike safety tips was their favorite.  They would (pretend) to map out where they were going.
I said Luke's job was to relax and he took that job seriously.  He was lounging in my recliner chair with a soda in his cozy.  "Hey, Honey (he calls Ava).  I'm all out.  Can you grab me another one.  Thanks honey."  She did what he asked.  That gave us a good laugh for the rest of the day.  Doctors orders!  Saturday night the club hosted an awesome tri-tip dinner, so we didn't have to cook.  That was a real treat.
Luke and Ava playing chicken with Lauren and Steven.  The boys had the height, so the girls were at a little disadvantage. 
Sunday morning was an early day for all.  Max was up at 6:00.  He needed to be at the staging area and start line to set up, help with registration, and load the trailer with all the riders gas cans.  He and Scott had to drive and set up the gas check point at Mill Valley about 20 miles away.  It was an extremely chilly 37 degrees that morning. Getting bundled up and having some hot cocoa was in order. 
Max wanted the kids and I to meet him at the start line by 8:00 for the start of the race.  It would be a special moment.  Several months ago a 41 year old, husband and father of three cute little boys died while racing his dirt bike.  NVC had stickers made to celebrate his life.  Each rider received a sticker at registration. 
As the riders were lined up they left the first row empty in honor of Troy.  The club president, Jeff gave a heartfelt and touching speech honoring Troy, his wife, children and family who were with us that morning.  He reminded them that Troy would be racing with them that day.  We had 30 seconds of silence before they kicked things off and the engines started.

The club donated a percentage of the registration fees to the Collin's family along with donations they were collecting from the registrants.  It was awesome, Max said people were digging deep for this young family.  One person dropped in $100.00.  We get so excited for these events, but were reminded that day how dangerous it actually is.  On our last night everyone tossed in all the wood we had left and we had a total rager.  It was awesome!  Monday morning came and it was time to clean up, pack up and head home.   
While Max and I were busy, Colin joined three other families for one last trail ride. Little did we both now they would be gone for over two hours. He road 15+ miles and it really pushed his skills. Big hills, up and down, through huge puddles and some rocky terrain. As everyone slowly started returning they would comment to Max or I about how awesome Colin did. He pushed himself and didn't give up. It was an awesome weekend for him. 
The trailer was cleaned and everything was loaded up.  I'm getting the kids in the truck and wondered where Shamrock was.  He was in our bed taking a nap.  God love him! He was so worn out.  Camping can be stressful for this natural herder.  The kids are going in all directions and he sometimes doesn't know where he should go.  He pretty much slept all the way home.  We stopped for dinner and he wasn't even interested in getting out of the truck.  6:00 and home at last!  It's Tuesday night and he is still worn out and I'm staring down six loads of laundry.  Good times!

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