Saturday, August 20, 2011

Let the games begin...

Let the hustle and bustle of school schedules, sports and 4-H projects begin.

We started our day out at the field with Colin's first Fall Ball game. The ball park was it's typical windy, chilly, sunny morning.

Ava found her sunny spot on the warm pavement with her blanket. I eventually joined her.
Colin was a bit nervous, but did well. He hit an infield grounder that got him on base. He was pretty excited.

He unfortunately, then got out on third. Oh, well! He learned what to do differently next time...HUSTLE!!! The other team got the best of us in the first two innings, but these kids fought their way back to win it in the end. Way to go Mariners!!

After the game we headed home for lunch. I did some household chores and Max worked in the yard and fixed our leaky kitchen sink. Then the kids and I went to an Ice Cream Social for Colin's first 4-H meeting (which was right around the corner from my elementary school, what a kick. I haven't seen that place in over 20 years). He is now registered, dues payed, voted for offices and picked two projects; poultry and bunnies. We already know one family from baseball. Debbie and her daughter are so sweet. They showed us the ropes. She is from Australia and an amazing photographer. I am hoping to get some tips for when I get that fancy new Nikon I want (honey are you listening...)

When we got home the house got quiet real fast because Ava went to her room to rest and Luke took an impromptu nap in the playroom reading chair. Max is BBQ'ing dinner...gotta love it. Next the cars, truck and trailer are calling our names to be washed and packed for camping this week. New tires on the trailer and we are ready to go. We all can't wait!

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