Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Christmas Day 2010!

Merry Christmas to all our Family and Friends! From our family to yours we wish a blessed holiday filled with memories that will last a lifetime!

The kids woke up at around 7:30 and then the fun began. They took turns opening all the goodies and had fun spending the morning playing with everything in sight. I think they were very overwhelmed. Max and I spent the morning taking all the toys out of their packages. I don't understand the need to tie down a doll and all her clothes with 20 twist ties, double sided tape and these new plastic locks. It took us forever getting the toys out of the packaging. It is ridiculous what the toy companies do. Max put together Ava's easel from Granny and Papa.

We enjoyed the Christmas Story marathon on TBS. I think we watched it three times that day. It's our favorite and Christmas Day just wouldn't be the same without it.

The kids all continued enjoying their loot while Max and I got things picked up and out to the recycling bin.

My mom and Jeff over at around 10:30 and she baked and brought the most delicious Quiche and Lemon Meringue pies. One had egg and bacon, the other was spinach, sun dried tomato with egg. Christmas isn't just right for me without her Lemon Meringue pie. We had Champagne Mimosa's and the kids enjoyed their sparkling cider. It was so Delicious it can still smell and taste them. Great job mom! Everything was out of this world.
The kids enjoyed more unwrapping and playing before it was time to head over to my dad and Lupe's for Christmas dinner.

The kids got dressed up and we loaded in the car. It was a foggy, rainy day. The kids fell asleep before we even reached the highway. They were tuckered out!

My dad and Lupe hosted dinner this year. We were joined by my grandparent, my aunt and her family. Dinner was a yummy traditional turkey dinner with all the trimmings and dessert from Butter Cream Bakery! More gift exchanges and then wind down with a movie and fire in the fire place and hot cider. Another great evening. It was nice having my dad home for Christmas. His last two were spent in Iraq.

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