Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Prayers for Kenzie

My sweet and beautiful niece Mackenzie has been expressing difficulty in hearing with her "new ear." Kimberly made a doctor appt. hoping her ear just needed to be cleaned out. Unfortunately not the case. Her malius has become detached from her tympanic membrane, which means it's back the hospital this morning for another surgery. She is such a trooper and a tough little cookie. She is such a blessing to our family and pray the surgery is successful and she won't have to experience another surgery again.

We love you Kenzie!


Meredith said...

Praying for Mackenzie today too Kristin! XOXO

Kimberly said...

Thanks Krissy! We appreciate everything. Hope, Pray, Crossing all parts we can cross....this will work! Kenzie is so blessed to have you ad her Auntie!

Love YA! You to Mere Mere!