Monday, February 21, 2011

San Francisco

We had a most wonderful day in San Francisco yesterday.
Our family joined my dad and Lupe for a ferry boat ride into the city. It was chilly, but sunny and clear. We hit some heavy fog on the ride over, but it cleared once we approached the bay.
The SF skyline is always breathtaking, definately the most beautiful city.

Views of Coit Tower

and the Golden Gate Bridge
from the ferry.

All the planter beds by Pier 39 were filled with tulips, so beautiful. I can't wait for spring.

From Pier 39, a view of Alcatraz and all the sailboats. A great day to be on the water.

We strolled around Pier 39, checking out shops and Papa Jim and Lupe took the kids on the carousel. We found a Left Hand store for Luke and bought him a pair of scissors. They had a bunch of fun items for lefty people. I'll have to keep this place in mind for the future. They also have a website. We walked down to Fisherman's Warf where dad and Lupe
treated us to lunch at the Rainforest Cafe. If you have kids this is a must see in the city.

We had a 20 minute wait before our table was ready so we strolled around enjoying the aquarium,

animated Gorilla,

and Elephants.

The ceiling was painted with a sky scape and twinkling stars and vines everywhere.

In the store the kids enjoyed "Tracy the Tree." Her eyes and mouth moved as she told a little story. This place is super kid friendly, lots to touch and explore.

After a yummy lunch we all shared "The Volcano" for dessert. Three big slices of brownie with vanilla ice cream in the middle errupting with whip cream, chocolate syrup and a sparkler on top. After lunch we needed to walk off all the good eats, so we headed back toward Pier 39.

The kids loved the Sea Lions at Pier 39. Happy 21st Anniversary!

Colin, Luke and Ava on the Sea Lion sculpture.

Papa Jim and Lupe treated us to the San Francisco Bay Aquarium.
Loved the tanks of Jelly Fish.

The kids enjoyed meeting and touching "Cupcake the Skinkx,"

feeling the Sea Star's and Anenome's in the tide pools
and Sting Ray.

Outside the Aquarium was an impression of a sharks mouth, so awesome!

We made our way back to the ferry terminal and waited for our boat to arrive.
We were tuckered out by the time we got in our seats.
It was a fun day and grateful the rain went away and the sun came out for the day.
Thanks to Papa and Lupe for a lovely day.

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

I bet Dad just loves doing things like this with the kids. Very impressed that he thought of this treat as a Christmas present. So cool.