Sunday, November 20, 2011

PEP Thanksgiving Feast!

Thursday Luke and Ava enjoyed a Thanksgiving Feast at school with their friends and teachers.  Earlier in the day we thought it would be fun to make a special treat for all their classmates.  A little something to kick off the holiday season.
We purchased stamps, stencils, pencils and stickers.  Cut up gift tag sized pieces of construction paper, enough for each child to make 5 cards.  We included a little greeting card wishing them a Happy Holiday! 
They put them in a cellophane gift bag and tied off with a twisty. 
Placed them in a big basket to pass out to their friends at the end of class. 
When we arrived to school the teachers had the table set in the social hall with fall decorations. 
The kids were very excited.   
My mom came for the weekend so she joined me in picking up Luke and Ava from school.  They looked very festive with their Indian Head Dress and Pilgrim Hat. 
The weather was rather peculiar that day.  We had rain, we had sun, we had wind, we had clouds, then we had a beautiful rainbow to enjoy in the afternoon.  What a beautiful and rare sight to see!

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