Sunday, November 20, 2011

My mom spent the weekend with us.  While she was here we decided to have a mini Thanksgiving together.  Max loves his turkey leftovers, so he will be set for the week.  Saturday, the twins spent the afternoon with their Aunt while my mom and I enjoyed a girlie afternoon of shopping with no little interruptions.  Colin hung out with Max, cleaning dirt bikes and tackling a list of fix it projects around the house.  "Manly things" Colin said.  Later that day my mom and I made dinner.  Max wasn't feeling hungry.  That's unusual...As the evening progressed he felt sicker and sicker.  He was pale, light headed and dizzy and was throwing up.  He just didn't feel right.  We ended up in the ER (my second trip this month).  His BP was extremely high when we arrived, 160/97.  That with the dizziness got him a bed, hooked up to an EKG and a bed side blood panel.  All in all his heart and lungs were OK.  He was discharged being diagnosed with an inner ear viral infection called Labrynthitis. 
Sunday, we skipped church to stay home with Max.  I am still a bit worried.  It was a stay in your sweats day.  Max got a roaring fire started while the kids and I popped popcorn and played Monopoly.  My mom rocked out the most awesome Turkey dinner. 
Colin enjoyed helping make the mashed potatoes. 
Luke and Ava made cute little place cards for the dinner table. 
The boys were chomping at the bit to carve the turkey, so I went to get Max.  Unfortunately, to find him laying down in bed again feeling dizzy.  It's not letting up and I'm worried. So, mom carved the turkey. 
My mom and I sat the kids down to eat.  We ate, cleaned up and Max is still sleeping.  It was time for my mom to leave.  I am so grateful that she was here this weekend.  The help was so much appreciated.  The kids and I enjoyed apple pie and ice cream and watched Cars 2. After a long 4 hour rest he says he is still tired and dizzy.  He is not interested in eating.  I don't know what to make of this.  It's concerning.  I sat by the bed in the hospital last night saying a prayer to make him well and give him his energy back.  I woke up several times during the night worried and praying he would wake up feeling better and he said he did this morning.  He relaxed and chilled out most of the day watching football.  It just took a turn in the afternoon.  I pray more rest will help, if not it's another phone call to the doctor.

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