Friday, April 13, 2012

Easter Camping @ Lake Camanche

This year for Easter we enjoyed a beautiful weekend of camping with Max's family.
Beautiful views were all around us. Max and I enjoyed a walk as the sun set.
After all it is Easter, so I felt our trailer needed a little bunny to make things festive. 
We enjoyed a weekend of fishing.  The kids all got new poles at Christmas and they each learned how to cast this weekend.  Even I gave it a try.  The last time I fished was with my Grandpa Hodson when they lived in Montana.  We won't say how long ago that was! 
Ava's ready to go with her pink Barbie pole. 
The guys enjoyed their share of fishing with Kelton bringing in a 6lb catfish and a few trout.
Luke loved sitting by the water practicing his casting and reeling.  Over and Over again he would try.  He's a lefty and the pole is not, so he had to make adjustments.
One of the best part of camping for the kids, is the freedom to ride their bikes everywhere.  They rode all over the campground all weekend.  Ava started off the weekend on training wheels....
which makes it hard to keep up with their cousins JD, Reid and Carson.
By the end of the weekend the training wheels were off and those little legs were peddling as fast as they could go.  She's one persistent chic!
There's no stopping her now!
We enjoyed a delicious Easter breakfast with a French Toast casserole, Champagne Mimosa's, Bacon, and Chicken Apple Sausage.  Along with it being Easter, it was also a year ago that GG past away.  She was in our hearts and on our minds all day long.  It was special that we were able to be together and share stories and about her and grandpa.  Veronica made tea and I baked cookies in her honor.  Two staples that you would always find at their house. 
The kids gathered around and died eggs.  We tried Kool-eggs for the first time and got some beautiful bright colors.  Granny also brought kits to make golden eggs and tattoo eggs.  We chose not to hide them for the hunt as the sun was pretty warm and we wanted to enjoy deviled eggs later in the day.
Ava was the last one standing at the egg table, busy painting her eggs gold with her granny.
On your mark, get set go...
The kids were divided up by age group for an Easter Egg Hunt courtesy of the campground.  Ava, Carson and Luke were being ever so patient for the Easter Bunny to arrive and get the party started.
Veronica, Carol and I took all the kids on a long walk later that afternoon while the men were busy hiding a few hundred plastic filled eggs for a family hunt.
There were eggs, and goodies hidden everywhere.
They were filled with yummy candies, trinkets and $$$$.  Colin found the golden egg with $20, woohoo!  All the kids found eggs with money and were very eager to spend it at the campground store.
That evening Veronica made a yummy ham dinner...delish!  We sat around the campfire that night listening to stories about GG and Papa Tom and having a cookie.  Cheers!! to two awesome people that we miss very much.
The Bet!
A piece of Easter candy fell in the water.
Colin: I bet you $2 you won't fish it out and eat it Carson.
Carson: Oh, watch me.
So, Carson reached in and got it, opened up the little chocolate egg and gobbled it up.
Next, Colin pulls out his wallet and has to pay up.  A bets a bet and Carson likes his money.  Smart kid.
Not sure....but it just looked funny! BOYS!
Shamrock always loves a good swim, this trip was no different.
Luke and I
Ava and I
Enjoying the sun that warmed our days.

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