Friday, May 25, 2012

End of PEP

This past week we had an ending to a little chapter in our lives.  Luke and Ava finished preschool.
They have done so much growing and maturing in the past year I can hardly believe it.  My babies are now Kindergarten bound!  It's time for a new and exciting chapter to begin and I can't wait to see what it holds.
Tuesday I attended my last Ministry Meeting with PEP. A bittersweet moment.  The director and staff presented the team with the cutest Finch Feeders.   
The twins helped pick the plates and glasses and I assembled several upcycled plate tiers for each of the teachers and secretary as a little Thank You gift.
Luke and Ava by the beloved "Big Tree" for their last preschool photo. 
Luke and Ava  
receiving their diploma from Director and Teacher, Mrs. Renee. 
After the program we enjoyed refreshments on the playground patio.  It was a great chance for the families and children to mingle, play and visit one last time.  Papa Jim and Mimi were able to stop by for the program portion of our day. Luke and Ava were all smiles during their program.

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