Sunday, May 27, 2012

Fiesta Days

Saturday we took the kids to the Fiesta Days Parade downtown.  It was a beautiful sunny day with a gentle breeze, so it wasn't to hot.  There was a wonderful patriotic feel to the parade.  Fitting since it is Memorial Day weekend.
The Police Department patrol unit kicks off the parade with the color guard following. The roar of the motorcycles, officers in uniform carrying the American flag gives me goosebumps. 
 Loved this old engine with the loud and startling boom for the gun on the roof being fired.
Our little "tweedy bird" was excited to see Tweedy Bird in the parade! 
Our Sanitation Department wowed the audience with their synchronized trash can routine.  So funny! 
A lot of military presence in the parade as well.  Trucks, tanks, men and women in uniform marched with their families.  So heartwarming! 
The boys loved all the military vehicles. 
"Beaker" buzzed the crowd as he zipped up and down the street. 
Shamrock loved his first parade.  He received quit a bit of attention from passer byes.  I think he would of liked being in the parade.  After a fun morning downtown we took Shamrock back home and treated the kids to lunch at Black Bear Diner.  It was a nice relaxing way to start off our long weekend.

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