Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A new 'puter...

That's what Luke used to call the computer. 
So, it's been a week since I last posted and since then I got a beautiful new Sony Vaio laptop in white and Max has been working on helping me get everything set up.  I am in love.  I can sit in my comfy leather recliner, outside or in bed and type away.  I forgot how great it is to be mobile and it has blue ray.We had a desktop and a laptop (that got a virus and had to be rebuilt), but it was time for something new.  What's also really cool and I'll take pictures when I am finished, but we got a new workstation for both laptops.  It is set up in the playroom.  I now have two elementary students I am taking care of before and/or after school, plus Colin so this is a really great workspace for them to get their homework done.  We got two new chairs and some accessories, so they can work side by side. Also, a much needed new printer that is wireless.  So awesome! The pace is really picking up around here.  Colin is back in school, still involved in Fall Ball and 4-H and the twins start their last year of preschool tomorrow.  I am on the Ministry Team again this year and we are working on our first fundraiser of the year which I am chairing.  So, I have plenty to keep me busy this month.  I also have added two more little girls to the roster, so that puts me at seven kids with a potential of one more.  Full steam ahead! I have worked hard on creating a preschool curriculum that I am implementing on Tuesday and Thursdays.  So far I am up to December.  It has been fun!  Creating developmentally and age appropriate curriculum's are one of my passions.  Now I just have to get it loaded on the computer as it's all on paper right now and place an order for materials and activities.

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