Friday, October 7, 2011

Field Trip

I have two of the sweetest little girls that have started at our child care this past month, Noelle and Zoe.  I feel so blessed to have two great families to be working with.
 I just adore Zoe's mom, Anna.  She and I got together on Thursday during a break in the rain for a field trip to the Silveyville Pumpkin Patch.  There is always so many fun activities to enjoy.
 Ava loves the hay stacked horses to ride.
 Luke thought he was a real cowboy...yeehaw...giddy up!
 Zoe loved the littler ponies.
 Ava and Noelle loved the owners dog,Fefer.  She followed the kids everywhere.  Fefer is an Australian Shepherd/Border Collie mix.  She is the sweetest lil' thing.
 Little Luke with tiny pumpkin and Giant scarecrow with big pumpkin.
 Ava too.  The glare from the sun was so strong.
 We all enjoyed a musical horse drawn hay ride around the pumpkin farm.
 The kids searched and searched for gold coins in the sand box to win a prize.  Luke found one!
 We ended our day with the kids each picking a baby pumpkin.
 Then headed to the art area for painting.
 Some of us left with more paint on ourselves than the pumpkins.  They turned out pretty cool.
We can't wait to go back for one more visit.  We always go as a family, to pick out our pumpkins for decorating and carving at our annual Halloween camping trip.  Not to mention we bring Shamrock and he loves running around with Fefer.


Kimberly said...

I am going to tell my asst to call our pilot and gas up the private jet. We will be there on Monday.Our driver will take us to the pumpkin patch in the company limo.Since this is business related. HA! Wouldn't that be nice though?

Looks fun!

Our Dream x3 said...

Sounds fabulous darling! Can't wait. Lol! We can dream...right! We just went again today as a family. I love this and the family that owns it. They are so cool!