Saturday, December 31, 2011

Goodbye 2011~Welcome 2012!

It's hard to believe that 2011 is almost over.  I look back and wonder where our year went.  It was busy, it was fun and eventful.  It was filled with many wonderful memories and experiences.  We had our ups and downs and were hit pretty hard with the passing of Max's grandma.  I look forward to another year and wonder what's in store for our family.  There is always something exciting around every corner.  In 2012 I am blessed with a healthy family, including myself.  My business is booming and my roster is full.  That I am thankful for.  Max is going on 13 years strong at the shop.  Colin will turn 8 and start 3rd grade.  Luke and Ava will turn 5 and start Kindergarten.  We treasure our time with family and friends, camping and dirt bike riding.   We look forward to evenings and weekends filled with watching the boys play baseball and Ava in gymnastics/dance.
Tonight we celebrated New Years Eve with the kids.  They got to pick the activity and dinner choice.  So, we ended up taking them to the 6:30 showing of The Adventures of TinTin in 3D at Brenden's Theaters.  What a cool movie, action packed with great animation.  A great movie for anyone with an adventurous, detective spirit.
Then after the movie, they chose Chevy's for dinner and dessert.  We made it home by 10 and tucked them in, saying we'll see ya next year.  They got a good giggle out of that.  I could hear the boys chatting in their room, "what are we gonna do next year...(heheheee)."  Their little conversations crack me up when they think you can't hear them.  We'll, I hope this finds everyone creating their own memories to close out 2011 and welcome a marvelous new year.
Happy New Year!

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