Sunday, January 8, 2012

Skates and Skateboards!

Colin, Luke and Ava each got a gift card from their Granny and Papa for Christmas.  Before they were able to pick out what they wanted they all had to get new socks, underwear and undershirts.  Max and I encouraged them to choose something they could use outdoors and keep them physically active.
We headed over to Sports Chalet and Ava found the cutest pair of pink and purple skates.  She has never been skating before and did really well.  A few falls on her tooshy, but it didn't stop her or slower her down.   
Ava was really persistent in learning how to use her new skates.  It was getting colder and darker and she still didn't want to come in.
The boys each got a skate board.  Colin has been asking for awhile now and Luke does what his big brother does.
Before Colin really got started  practicing on his board he took time to help his little sister.  It was so sweet and heart warming.  He would take her by the hand and go up and down the sidewalk or he would walk backwards holding her waist so she wouldn't fall. 
Colin picked up on the basics pretty quickly.
It helped that dad was able to give him some pointers and show him some moves.  The boys thought it was pretty awesome that their dad could still skateboard.
Max worked with Luke one on one.  Since he is left handed he was trying to figure out which is his dominant side and what felt the most natural.
Colin loved going down the driveway.  Max would catch him before he got to the street.  He liked the speed, just like his dad.  Luke proceeds with more caution and does things in his own time, so he wasn't quit ready for this.
Thank you Granny and Papa! We are having a lot of fun!

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