Monday, January 31, 2011

Bearfoot Family Enduro

We left Friday late afternoon and drove up to Stoneyford for the Richmond Ramblers, Bearfoot Family Enduro Race. It will be a first for Max, so he was very excited to say the least.
Saturday, Max, Colton, Scott, Dave, Kyle and Ryan headed out for about 4 hours and got some good riding in. While the men were out the rest of the gang held down the fort, kept the fire going (because it was FREEZING), hiked and rode the dirt bikes and Mel brought her quad.
The kids and I stop for a break on our hike and enjoy the beautiful scenery.

Luke roasting Marshmallows. He could eat a whole bag if you'd let him.

Miss Ava

and Colin down by the river. They were having a ball hunting for gnarly drift wood and pinecones.

Colin on Mel's quad.

After we were all tuckered out and frozen we headed indoors for an exciting game of spoons. It gets pretty rowdy and is so much fun.

Saturday after the guys got back from their ride, Max went out in search for more branches. He used tie downs to hold them together and dragged them back with the quad.
We had a great big fire that night.

Then, Max took Colin out to the kiddie track and around the camp for some riding. He loves being with his dad. The smile on his face is priceless.

Shamrock loves camping and enjoys the outdoors. Meeko loves camping and enjoys the indoors under his blankey!

Sunday was the day of the race. We had a group of 5 guys in our minute (Max, Kyle, Scott, Dave and Ryan). Max is all geared up. His rain paints turned out to be a blessing this weekend.

The guys are lined up in rows waiting for their minute to start.

And he's off!!

We left and went back to camp to get cleaned up and make some lunch. We came back at 12:00 for their half-way break and brought them something to eat.
My man is so muddy. It turns out they were riding through 4-6 inches of snow at times and it was falling off the trees. They were getting dumped on pretty good. It was raining for us at camp and snowing for them.
Max's hands were freezing and he couldn't use his goggles because of the mud and snow they wouldn't come clean. He couldn't see out of them and ran into a tree. That had to hurt...but he keeps going and LOVES it!

This is his bike at the break. I should have taken a picture of it at the end. It looked even worse.

Max came in at the half way point with his buddy Scott and they were racing for First place at that point. When the kids saw Max, their eyes were just beaming with excitement and pride and they were all asking tons of questions. I was so proud, he is such a great dad. We treasure these experiences together. The weather was so cold and wet, but it was a blast! Nobody wanted to come home. However, once we were and had hot showers and climbed into bed it was the ahhh moment and it always feels good to be home. Now, the hard part Max has to wait to here how he placed. They'll send us the results.

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