Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Spiritual Milestone

Last Sunday was a special day for Colin, Luke and Ava.
 We attended church for the contemporary services on Sunday.  I am trying to make it a priority for our kids to attend church and learn who Jesus is.  They love going and attending Sunday School.  The teachers are awesome and the congregation is so welcoming to our family.  The children have all attended and are attending preschool here.  I was approached by our family pastor to have the children participate in the
 Bible Presentation.  The church purchased age appropriate bibles for each of the children.  They were presented the bibles with a few favorite scriptures shared on the interior cover by my aunt and grandparents.  Each of the kids then handed their bible to me and asked if I would read to them and if they could read to me.  I responded with yes I will.  A simple ritual to let them know we are doing this together. It was a really special moment, something I hope they will treasure and they will continue to learn who Jesus is and they have already learned that Jesus knows who they are.
I have always told them that "God gave us you" (also the name of a children's book, by Lisa Tawn Bergren that my aunt got for them).  We are blessed to have three amazing, bright, beautiful, and silly children and I thank God everyday for them. 

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Psalm 139:13 [NIV]
"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb."

I love this. It reaffirms that our Lord God is not only our creator but has a very personal love for each of us and relationship with us. We are all special because He created each of us uniquely.

The best gift you can give your children in life is for them to know Jesus as their savior and for them to know your love and devotion to Him. If they grow up with this in their heart and make it the foundation of their life they will accomplish great things and it will be His glory.

I am so proud of your Kristin. The past few years have taught me a lot about life, love, suffering. Through those hard times, the loss of two close best friends, I have found that the best gift I received from them and Jesus was that they were saved. So when they closed their eyes they saw His face in Heaven.

Their are so many things I learn from Him every day. One I think you might identify with is written in Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Everything He does is to bring you and others to Him and for His Glory alone. I know you please Him. And you are right those babies are a gift.

Love you.