Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A very Merry Christmas

Our family had a very merry Christmas this year.
On Christmas Eve we headed to Napa early in the day to watch the 49'ers play at Granny and Papa's house.  It was an awesome game and fun to watch with the family.  All the kids enjoyed playing reindeer games.
They each had their turn wearing the antlers and throwing the rings. Sooo funny!  
Lin and Keith made a delicious Ham dinner that was enjoyed by all. It wasn't long after eating that all the kids were excited and itching to open gifts.  
The kids all had a blast playing with each other.  It was a great day for everyone!  Later in the evening we enjoyed yummy home made pies by Keith
and a visit from Max's best friend Tony and his family.  Ava with Alyssia, two cute girls we have!  We headed back home around 9:00 so we were all tucked in bed for Santa to come. 
The kiddos were up at about 7:30 in the morning, yelling from their rooms that it was Christmas and Santa came.  Hip Hip Hurray!  Max and I were greeted in our room by three yelling, jumping children.  I just love all the excitement and anticipation this day brings. 
They opened their stockings and Santa gifts first and then the gifts from Max and I.  I actually stuck with the three presents idea this year.  It was a good thing. 
Ava sporting a new beanie hat from Santa. Around 10:00 my dad and Lupe, grandparents, aunt and uncle came over for Christmas Brunch.  We had quiche, champagne mimosa's, fruit salad, croissants, sausage and bacon.  It was a group effort and so delicious.  A great way to start the day.  They kids enjoyed another round of gift giving.     
(Ava enjoying her new tree house tent from Auntie Molly and Uncle Mark)
I spent the afternoon cooking Christmas dinner.  We were planning for my mom and Jeff to join us, but mom was struck with the stomach flu.  I just wanted to cry and I know she did.  It just wasn't fair to be sick on Christmas.  Thankfully, she was better the next day so we had a Christmas redo Monday afternoon.  She and Jeff came over for dinner and mom's awesome Lemon Meringue Pies.  It was a great night.  Monday morning I had my post Christmas OCD clean up.  The kids donate one old toy for every three new toys they receive.  I was very proud of them.  We have one giant bag and a small box of toys to donate.  Now onto the rest of the house.  My annual New Years clear-out and clean-up, I have until Saturday to finish, then starting Monday I start prepping for taxes....yuck!

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