Friday, January 13, 2012

Industrial Farmhouse Kitchen Table

I wished for an Industrial Farmhouse Kitchen Table for Christmas.  I found one on-line and printed it out.  Pictures, directions, dimensions and shopping list all included.  According to the directions this table could just be whipped up in an afternoon.  Ha! I think not.  That is, not when you have my hubby building it. 
Shopping for all the galvanized piping was a project in itself.  It took several stores and a few trips to get all the pieces we needed.  He did have the base together in just a few hours, it was the table top he fussed over.  I kept telling him it didn't have to be perfect.  The idea was for it to have an old farmhouse feel with the industrial base.  The pine boards came from my father in-laws work, a pile of old wood they were discarding and he snatched it all up. 
After many many nights of sanding and sawing and sanding and even more sanding it was ready to be stained.  After much deciding I ended up choosing a stain called Jacobean and I couldn't be more pleased.  For a finishing touch my hubby waxed the table top and bench tops, it is soooo smooth now.  I will be ordering a glass top to make maintenance and clean-up easy.  I don't want all his hard worked damaged. I can not put into words how excited I am that it is finished and in our kitchen.  I also can't believe my sweet hubby made it for me and made my wish come true.  He is such a perfectionist it took longer than I expected, but I am so grateful for his time and attention to detail.  This will stay with us forever.  Thank You honey, I love it and you!

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