Sunday, February 12, 2012

Minute to Win It

Last night our family participated in round two of the Family Olympics at church.  I went out and bought us all matching red shirts to earn spirit points for our team.  The evenings activity was Minute to Win It.  Max and I took Colin, Luke and Ava, then my friend Dana's two daughters Kaitlyn and Teagan joined us.  We started the evening off by dividing up all the team members into the age appropriate events.  After, we enjoyed a potluck dinner before the games would begin.
Kaitlyn started us off. Her task was to fan a plastic egg using an empty cardboard pizza box into a taped off square about 15 feet away.  She completed her task in the one minute time frame.  Way to go Kaitlyn!! 

Max helped Luke, Ava and Teagan keep a cylinder balloon standing vertically by just blowing on it.  They were not allowed to use any body parts to assist.  That was not so easy.  They were so funny and really got into it.  At one point Luke and Teagan were laying on the floor to stop it from dropping and touching the ground. 
Colin had to shoot rubber bands at three cards standing up with clothes pins.  He needed to knock down all three in one minute.  He knocked down one out of three in his minute. 
Ava's task was to bounce ping pong balls into a bowl that was 15 feet away.  She got one ball in the bowl during her minute. 
Kaitlyn's task was to stack 4 red solo cups with index cards in between each cup.  After all cups were stacked you had to pull the index cards out with out knocking down the solo cups.  She got all the cups stacked, but then the minute was up.  She was so patient and with a steady hand.  Those cups were giving her a hard time.  Teagan did a great job  in her event as well.  She knelled on a chair and had to drop toothpicks from her mouth into the opening of a milk jug.  She got 8 in her minute. 
Max and Ralph had to bat a waded up piece of paper back and forth with out it falling to the ground and get it in a waste basket 15 feet away.  They made it to four baskets in a minute.
Luke had to roll marbles half way across a table and get them stuck on to sticky tape.  Some fell off the table and others went past the tape, but he was able to get 8 in his minute.  He got the most out of all the teams.  Rock-N-Roll Luke! 
There were many other tasks performed.  About 30 in all.  The last task was a team event.  We each placed an Oreo cookie on our forehead and slowly wiggled it into our mouth. NO HANDS! Max must practice this after I go to bed, because he got 4 in a minute and the rest of us didn't get any.
Teagan had fun blind folding Max with our team bandannas. He just sat there and let her do whatever. So cute!
I had to get my wiggle on and bounce and shake out an empty box of Kleenex filled with ping pong balls that was tied to my waist.  I tied for first place.  Then I had to wind up two rolls of crepe paper with my arms.  I looked liked a bird getting ready to take flight.  I was twirling and flapping my arms as fast as they could move.  After the games were cleaned up we headed back to the social hall for dessert and the results.
WE got 1st place for most points earned in the games.  I think we were pretty awesome considering our team was mostly children.  They ROCKED!  We are still waiting for points on spirit. Our next event is in March and we will be participating in a decathlon.  It was a fun family night!

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