Saturday, March 3, 2012

Luke Broke his BIG Toe

Last Monday night right as I was beginning to serve dinner the boys pulled the 40+ lb. pine bench away from the kitchen table with a little to much gusto and it fell over onto Luke's BIG Toe.  I have never heard one of my children scream so loud.  He was only wearing a sock, so there was no protection.  He was crying so hard and trembling.  I lifted him up to the counter, immediately gave him Tylenol, took off his sock and it was already swelling, black and blue and hard as a rock.  I was having flash backs of when he broke his thumb.  We put him on the couch with an ice pack and elevated it with some pillows.  I wrapped him up in his favorite blanket from his Auntie Kimberly and he had himself so worked up that he was sound asleep on the couch by the time I got off the phone with the advice nurse at Kaiser.  Keeping up with the Tylenol through out the night kept him comfortable.
Taking him to the doctor the next morning was traumatic, for him and me.  My heart just aches that he is hurting and I wish it was me sitting on the table, he is so sweet and tender hearted. He just kept hugging me and asking for his daddy.
This is his right big toe the morning after.  It just makes me cringe.  I have stubbed and broken my baby toe before and that hurts, but this can't be compared. We saw the Pediatrician, then went to Radiology for x-rays, back to the Pediatrician for the results and then onto Podiatry for his boot.
Once he put on the boot he said it already felt much better.  Luke said it felt like his toe was being hugged.  He was quit popular the next day at school.  He wasn't sure if he wanted to go.  Once he got there and all the kids wanted to sit by him and tell them what happened he was content staying. It's been almost a week and it's already looking a lot better.  He is very good about wearing his boot.  He goes back for a follow up in about three weeks.

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